When you smile, how much of your gums can you see? An excess of gum tissue that shows when smiling (also called excessive gingival display) can affect your self-confidence and discourage you from displaying your pearly whites. Luckily, this condition is treatable with the help of your Vatan Dental Center.
Vatan Dental Center was founded in the first place to create absolutely beautiful smiles.
A gummy smile, known in medical terms as excessive gingival display, is when you smile and too much gum tissue shows above the top teeth.
There is not a set definition of a gummy smile, as it is not a medical problem per se. A gummy smile is mainly based on personal perception.
However, there have been studies to determine what people consider excessive gingival display. In most cases, subjects rated smiles as attractive when two millimetres or less of gum tissue was exposed. At around three millimetres or more, the smile was thought to be gummy. The condition seems to be more common in women than men.
Even if a gummy smile is not considered a medical condition, we can still discuss what the causes of a gummy smile are. Obviously, these causes are all related to the teeth, lips, jaws or gums, which happen to be the key components that dictate a person’s smile aesthetics.
The most common causes of a gummy smile include:
Usually, the condition behind a gummy smile is genetic, so there’s nothing you can do to prevent it.
Book a visit to Vatan Dental Center, simply fill out the form below and we will contact you back regarding the intervention you require.