
On November 18, 1992 IZBAK A.Ş – Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Maintenance, Repair Machinery San. and tic. A.Sh. established with the name of; IZDENIZ A, which has the current company title in 1999.Sh. – Izmir Maritime Management Shipping and Tourism Trade A.Sh., in 2000, within the scope of the privatization of ships and piers connected to Turkish Maritime Enterprises, the “Izmir Bay Line began to carry out Passenger and Vehicle Transportation by Sea”, which was transferred to Izmir Metropolitan Municipality by the decision of the Supreme Council of Privatization dated April 04, 2000 and numbered 2000/06.

On March 8, 2000, Turkish Maritime Enterprises A.Sh. IZDENIZ A, which started Passenger and Vehicle Transportation by Sea on the Izmir Gulf Line with 104 personnel, 8 passenger ships and 3 Car Ferries taken over from.S 420 staff today, 13 cruise ship, 2 high-speed passenger ship, car ferry, 5,1 1 8 nostalgic cruise ship and floating facilities in the Bay of Izmir Inner, Outer Bay, with scaffolding continues to serve 4 for a total of 12.

Gulf Transportation, which started with only 4 lines and 60 flights per day in 2000, continues with a total of 205 flights on 9 different routes every day thanks to the investments made by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality to increase public transportation opportunities in the Gulf. During the summer season, in addition to scheduled flights, flights to Guzelbahce / Urla / Mordoğan / Foça Piers are organized.

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality launched the international Izmir – Lesbos flights IZDENIZ A in 2022 in line with the goals of making Izmir a World city and giving impetus to marine tourism.Sh. it is performed by.

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