Izmir is a city located on the western coast of Turkey, and the habit of eating with olive oil is also common. Izmir is an important region in terms of olive oil production and olive oil dishes are diverse. Some of the most popular olive oil dishes in Izmir are:
Dolma: Dolma is one of the olive oil dishes that are famous in Izmir. Decoction. Dolma is the name of the dish made with the leaf wrapping technique. One of the most famous among the dolmas made in Izmir is “Izmir dolmas”Dec. Izmir stuffed meat is prepared with ingredients such as eggplant, pepper, onion, tomato, rice and olive oil is used as a sauce.
Imam Bayıldı Decked: Among the olive oil dishes that are famous in Izmir, imam bayıldıldı is included. Imam fainted is prepared with ingredients such as eggplant and onion, and olive oil is used as a sauce.
Artichokes with olive oil: Artichokes are among the dishes with olive oil that are famous in Izmir Dec. Artichokes with olive oil are prepared with ingredients such as artichokes, tomatoes, onions, red peppers and olive oil is used as a sauce.
Okra with Olive oil: Okra is among the dishes with olive oil that are famous in Izmir Dec. Okra with olive oil is prepared with ingredients such as okra, tomatoes, onions, red peppers and olive oil is used as a sauce.